- ISBN-978-0-9808859-5-8
- Trade Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages
- Also available as an eBook
- PDF Press Release
“I met her when I most expected it. I felt Sarah entering my heart weeks before we met in real time. She was quietly everywhere- a distant flute, a subtle shift in wind direction, a whisper of longing that called me home. I felt her in my bones, in my breath, in the sudden and inexplicable lifting of my weary spirit. She was orbiting me, close at heart, eagerly awaiting our cosmic re-acquaintance. The call of the beloved.”
“I had actually asked the universe for love before, but never with this depth of commitment. To this point, they wouldn’t take my calls. It seems my soulular phone plan wasn’t activated yet, or I hadn’t paid my karmic upkeep yet. Whatever it was, they knew I wasn’t ready for the great crack open, the grand teaching. My heart was still too armored, my relational patterns too avoidant. What I needed was more inner prep work to clear the lines. So they sent me substitute teachers, preliminary lessons on the path to readiness. No sense planting the cosmic seeds in an ill-prepared field. Better to prepare the soul-soil for a real good harvest.”
“Love of my life, I remember us. We fell once then climbed a mighty summit. Clinging together, our hearts sharing a new pulse, our seams woven and knitted closely, we tumbled together down a grassy hill, staining our heart’s with one another’s love pledges. I remember you- I loved you a thousand time before- your sweet fire still burns inside my breasts. I’ll love you a thousand times more. Eternity prompts me to join your love with mine.”
“Let there be no doubt that all love connections are not created equal. Some bonds are simply practical. Others are blindly rooted in pathology and old traumas. Still others are opportunities to heal and have essential needs finally met. And some have a mystical quality from the first meeting. Pure and simple. Apparent from the first out-breath. Unmistakably sacred. God rising on the wings of their love. This is how the timely and the timeless become indistinguishable- when love meets God deep in the heart’s inner temple.”
“”Whether we chose or were chosen, Sarah and I were clearly blessed to walk this path. We were carriers of a divine seedling of possibility, two adventurers who had been granted a glimpse of the new earth that awaits humanity. Not a new earth riddled with affectless detachers, but one characterized by heartfelt connection as the path home. This was a relational dance, not the solo performance perfected by the isolationist masculine. In just a few moments with Sarah, I encountered a much more inclusive God than I had ever experienced in isolation- God meets Goddess meets Eternity. With our love as vehicle, God(dess) rose up to meet us, each time with a more expansive and heartfelt countenance.”
“You don’t measure love in time. You measure love in transformation. Sometimes the longest connections yield very little growth, while the briefest of encounters change everything. The heart doesn’t wear a watch- it’s timeless. It doesn’t care how long you know someone. It doesn’t care if you had a 40 year anniversary if there is no juice in the connection. What the heart cares about is resonance. Resonance that opens it, resonance that enlivens it, resonance that calls it home. And when it finds it, the transformation begins…”
“Jeff Brown has done it again… Within your hands is another magical masterpiece. If you are ready for a whirlwind of radical honesty, bare-boned intimacy and the raw dissecting that MUST go into Sacred Relationship then read on. A jewel of the highest order.”
—Anaiya Sophia, author of Sacred Sexual Union & co-author of Womb Wisdom
“In An Uncommon Bond, we are shown love as a relentless force within the universe, acting on the lives of the two main characters to crack open their hearts that their souls might come home to each other. And we recognize their story as our own. Written with passion, honesty and wisdom, this is an uncommon book.”
—Philip Shepherd, author of New Self, New World
“Jeff Brown elegantly weaves an evolutionary romance in An Uncommon Bond. Whereas most love stories end with “happily ever after,” Jeff takes us beyond the fairy tale and into the grounded spirituality necessary to truly meet the Beloved, both within ourselves and in our relationships. He is a master wordsmith, engaging and enlightening us with his whimsical wordplay as we watch the journey unfold between Lowen and Sarah, the story’s “Scar-Crossed Lovers.” Armed with his witty-wise lexicon and his deep understanding of human nature, Jeff presents a new paradigm of relating that is essential to the healing and growth of our society.”
—Candice Holdorf, actress and author of From 6 to 9 and Beyond: Widening the Lens of Feminine Eroticism
“An Uncommon Bond is both evocative and riveting, wrapping its way around the heart and soul of anyone who has ever been involved or interested in a deeper type of love that extends beyond the realm of common sense and connection. Jeff Brown brilliantly explores the rapture, the darkness, the con-fusion, and the elevation that pulses inside the painfully exquisite merging of two people who were unprepared for such a transformational and transcendent relational experience. Stunningly eye opening, shape-shifting and profound, I will never again look at the beautiful possibilities of love the same as before.”
—Victoria Erickson, author of Edge of Wonder
“ In this beautifully written prose, Jeff Brown weaves powerful teachings and wisdom into a vulnerable tale of love, pain and truth. While reading, I experienced an integration of my heart and mind that opened a channel directly to my soul. I believe that with every vulnerable and raw truth told, each of us is uplifted into a timeless place where there are no words—just experiences of the soul. Thank you Jeff for taking me there.”
—Kelly McNelis, founder of Women For One;
“Jeff Brown has put into words the glory and anguish of love that all of us who have loved know so well. His words burrow into my heart. I feel him. I feel me. I feel our common experience in a way that expands my own personal understanding and gives me new ways to think and talk about the love in my own life. In addition, Jeff draws out of his experiences wisdom that honors these experiences and elevates his awareness. So often when we have had pain in love, it is easy to point the finger and deny our own part in the creation of the challenge. The male character’s willingness to take responsibility and take a hard look at his patterns leads to his enlightenment and enlivenment. This approach is inspirational. Anyone dealing with deep heartache over love lost can follow his tracks to come out the other side. And what is on the other side is reason enough to take the journey through the heart of darkness. I am delighted I got to take this journey. In my own relationship with my beloved, Tomas, we have hit some rocky patches and have had to take hard looks, too, at our patterns. What Jeff is sharing in his juicy and powerful book is what has worked for me and Tomas. It has been through our willingness to see ourselves more clearly that we have worked through our own dramas. What a gift to have Jeff’s book to inspire, support, and illuminate the path of relationship, and how to navigate it more honestly, and successfully.”
—Joan Heartfield, PhD., author of Romancing the Beloved: A Sacred Sexual Adventure into Love
“Jeff Brown holds a mirror up to the dance of the masculine and the feminine in this fearless look into the everyday rise and fall of relationships. A realistic and honest view of the true meaning of soulmates.”
—Jill Angelo, author of Sacred Space: Turning Your Home Into a Sanctuary
Author Biography:
A former criminal lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeff Brown is the author of Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation and Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground. Endorsed by authors Elizabeth Lesser, Oriah Mountain Dreamer and Katherine Woodward Thomas, Ascending is a collection of Jeff’s most popular spiritual graffiti—quotes, soul-bytes and aphorisms frequently shared in social media. He is also the author of the viral blog Apologies to the Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition) and the producer and key journeyer in the award winning spiritual documentary–Karmageddon–which also stars Ram Dass, Seane Corn, David Life, Deva Premal and Miten. A regular contributor to Elephant Journal and Vivid Life, he has also written a series of inspirations for ABC’s Good Morning America and appeared on over 200 radio shows. He is the owner of Enrealment Press and the creator of a new online school–Soulshaping Institute–which launched in September, 2014. The second in his series of quotes books–Love it Forward–came out on Valentine’s Day 2014. Spiritual Graffiti is the third collection in the series. In addition, his higher consciousness love story–An Uncommon Bond–was published to great delight on May 1, 2015. You can connect with Jeff’s work at